Hello, world!

Hi, i am Tobias Banaszak, 27 years, living in Aachen. On this page, you will find some information about me, what i do for living and what i do in my spare time. Scroll down to the bottom to find many ways to get in touch.

About me


what i play with


I build a fnordlicht, got a raspberry pi and set up a weather display on my kindle and my kobo reader. I really like creative playing with my arduino board and this kind of stuff.


what i listen to


According to my profile on last.fm die Ärzte and Wir sind Helden are apparently my favourite bands. Most of the music i really like is in german and made with guitars and drums. I listen to podcast really often. Check out my subscriptions.


what i shoot


I like shooting with my Canon EOS 600D. Over the years, i got a representable collection of good lenses. Sometimes i put some of the pictures on flickr.


what else?


In my spare time, i like indoor climbing and geocaching. Every trip to a new city comes with a huge bunch of paper with instructions to find geocaches and new, interesting places in foreign cities. This gives really good insights without doing a guided tour like everyone else.



The application, written during my master thesis, runs on iOS-devices. Through this time, i really got to know objective-c. Afterwars i have to say, that i really like the concepts and handling of this language. It may be my favourite.


The tool i wrote for my bachelor thesis used all the benefits of the modern C#-language. I like it, because the usage is compared to C or C++ less painfull.


Java was the most common language at university. While working at a young startup in Aachen, i was responsible for the java-enterprise system build with JSF, JPA (Hibernate) and Seam.


Due to many documents that had to be written at university and afterwars, i am very familliar with LaTex. There is a boilerplate-version of the layout i created for my master thesis on github.

I studied computer science, so i got to try a wide choice of languages and concepts. I wrote a compiler in JavaCC, know some SQL-idioms, worked with Android, Ruby on Rails and Qt. I used Matlab for prototyping and played around with Python, Prolog and JavaScript/jQuery. Because of this widespread usage, i am very familliar with the three IDEs XCode, Viasual Studio and Eclipse (all other stuff is done in Sublime Text).





In 2008, i started studying Computer Science at FH Aachen University of Applied Sciences. My thesis was about SNMP and networking infrastructure and written in C#.




The bachelor's degree included an internship. In this 24 weeks, i worked at Philips Research Lab Aachen and coded C# and C++ for the medical imaging software IMALYTICS.




After this, i completed my university education with a master’s of engineering degree in Information Systems Engineering late 2012. The master's thesis was about a context-aware mobility-app on iOS.




Between march 2012 and january 2013, i've been part of the research project ec2go. It is about e-mobility and new ways of dealing with the requirements and usage of this technology. I was in charge of the iPhone app and the RoR backend. I also did some research on how to create a good user-interface for in-car applications.


In february and march 2013, i worked as leading software engineer coding Java Server Pages and JavaEE at a little startup in Aachen-Herzogenrath. Unfortunately, we had to leave this company, because of missing funding. A very common problem at startups.


From april till the end of 2013 i work at FH Aachen in an reasearch project at faculty of aerospace-technology (fixed-term contract). My task is to write a ground-control-software in Qt that will be used by the field test engineers in antarctica. Due to the pregnancy of our project manager, i took her part in project management.


Since 2014 i am working at onOffice as an iOS-Developer.


There a varios ways to contact me. Feel free to use any of the following channels or one of the social community platoforms below.

  • Address: please contact me via mail
  • Jabber: tobias.banaszak@jabber.ccc.de
  • Telephone: +49.162.(the square root of 33450283438884). This number can be used to send me a message via threema.
  • E-Mail: tobias.banaszak@gmail.com
  • If you want to write me an encrypted or signed mail, you might want to use the the PGP Keyserver and get my key. The fingerprint is: 6B4C C961 2E8E 37E5 17DB 2339 A876 8CCC DA56 9E19. Feel free to contact me via any channel to confirm this.